New Online Portal – Eat Drink Cardinia Launches
Eat Drink Cardinia has launched an online portal for consumers to find out how they can support artisan producers, eateries and food traders across the Cardinia region during the coronavirus pandemic.
First off the rank were the Eat Drink Cardinia social media profiles on Instagram, and Facebook page and group launched on Friday 1 May . The Facebook group is FREE promotion for artisan producers, eateries and food traders across the Cardinia region. An opportunity to share products and services, ordering details and payment methods. and connect with consumers.
Eat Drink Cardinia founder, Michelle Green, noticed a gap in being able to find out easily and quickly which of her favourite “foodie” places were still open during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Staying home and not driving around so much with COVID-19 restrictions, I wasn’t sure who was open, what they were doing”, she said. “I was hearing from my hospitality and food networks, as well as friends with businesses, they were were having difficulty in connecting with current and new customers.”
“Mother’s Day, usually the busiest day for restaurants and cafes, is going to be very different this year and requires new tactics.”
Businesses have had to completely redesign their products and services, and will need to continue to adapt for the remainder of the year. Now more than ever is the time to leverage digital platforms to sell more and connect with customers. The Eat Drink Cardinia website will have FREE listings for artisan producers, eateries and food traders across the Cardinia region, and for businesses who supply to them.
With people keen to support local businesses and still enjoy a range of different options from take away to meal kits, — not to mention a break from cooking at home, it will be easy to connect with local businesses. Listings will have a COVID-19 tag for those businesses still operating, and also their will be a tag for businesses with Mother’s Day offerings too.
Eat Drink Cardinia founder, Michelle Green, after suffering a downturn in events with COVD-19 for her business MARQUET Events and as an Event and Communications in a professional capacity, decided to put her digital, techincal, marketing and communications skills to support the region’s artisan producers, eateries and food traders, and for businesses who supply to them.
“I’m so pleased and grateful to give back to an industry that has been part of my working life for many years, and supported my family here in Melbourne, Sydney and London. With a passion for food from an early age, cooking with my Nan to starting my career as a chef, I’m motivated and enjoying delivering this initiative, working for and with my community.”
A local Casey Cardinia resident for nearly 16 years, most recently contracted to the Cardinia Food Movement as part of the funding from a Ripe for Change grant, Michelle was part of the team who delivered the Cardinia Farm & Food Festival, Farmers Breakfast and Sandor Katz workshop. Michelle still volunteers her time, after spending 6 months developing the communications and social media for the movement. Since May 2019, Michelle as co-ordinator for Women Making it Work, has provided marketing and communications, membership and administration support, and coordinates monthly events for the network.
“Food brings people together, said Michelle. ” It is really important at this time that we work together as a community. I hope everyone gets behind this, from Koo Wee Rup to Emerald, Beaconsfield to Bunyip and everywhere between.”
For further information, please contact Michelle Green:
Email: michelle@eatdrinkcardinia.com.au
Mobile: 0402 576 757
Eat Drink Cardinia Information
Website: www.eatdrinkcardinia.com.au
Facebook Page: facebook.com/eatdrinkcardinia
Facebook Group: facebook.com/groups/eatdrinkcardinia
Instagram: instagram.com/eatdrinkcardinia
Twitter: twitter.com/EatDrinkCardi
Media Kit: Image 1, Image 2 and Reviews
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