Find Cardinia Restaurants Reopening On June 1

Restaurants, cafes, and pubs across the Cardinia region will reopen with restrictions in place from Monday 1 June. With only 20 persons allowed inside a venue and physical distance guidelines, dining in is going to be a vey different experience.

Businesses have been working very hard since the announcement implementing practices and training staff, not before determining if it is financial viable. So your favourite cafe or restaurant, may have made the decision to continue with takeaway only for the time being.

It’s a new world for us all, and remember everyone… we are all in this together. It won’t be perfect, but let’s give this a whirl, and learn together!

One thing for sure, the buzz of dining out will sound and be different as we all practice being a good diner with spaced out tables, table service only and social distancing.

Here’s the list of restaurants and cafes around Cardinia opening for dine in options, and we’ll keep you updated via the live list – Open for Business – Dine in 1 June.

Have we missed anyone? Get in touch.

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Drake Tavern from 10 June, Cannibal Creek Vineyard from 27 June and The General Food Store to be announced.

Eat Drink Cardinia

Connecting the artisan producers, eateries and food traders across the Cardinia region to consumers.

Are you a business? List your business today. Now more than ever it’s important to support our businesses. We”ll share the love 🖤

Explore Cardinia by region or by category! Find who’s Open for Business during COVID-19 or Open for Business – Dine in 1 June. Participate in #TakeoutTuesday.

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