Story from ISO: Greensoul Organics

Nawleen Mishra and her family took over Greensoul Organics just under two years ago. A recent small business owner, and having her first baby just before the COVID-19 pandemic, has meant learning to advertise and promote her business in new ways during this time, and seize new opportunities whenever possible.
Tell us about your business.
Greensoul Organics offers fresh certified organic produce from our local and Australian farmers to our community. We also have a range of organic, bio-dynamic, and non-GMO pantry, chilled and frozen products to cater for various dietary requirements.
How long have you been in business?
Greensoul Organics has been there for 6 years and changed ownership in September 2018.
How has COVID-19 affected your business?
We have seen a decrease in the number of customers as people are practising social distancing.
What was the most difficult thing you have had to do?
We had to reduce our trading hours as the number of customers had declined quite a bit.
How are your team?
At Greensoul Organics we have a wonderful team who love to assist customers in anyway possible. They are always ready to answer any kind of query.
How has your community supported you?
The community has resorted to online shopping and supported us by ordering produce boxes online. We are very particular in the produce we get from the farms and the Melbourne Market and aim to deliver the best to our customers. It’s really heart warming to see our customers appreciate our efforts. This drives us to keep delivering fresh and delicious certified organic produce to our customers.
What would you do differently?
We would promote more contactless payment and handling of deliveries in the future so that customers feel more safe and confident when doing their shopping.
One thing you have learnt during COVID-19.
How a pandemic like COVID-19 can affect small business so much and the importance of social distancing. It has also made us appreciate our lives more and that of those around us.
What does the future look like?
There are more challenging and tough times ahead for everyone as this pandemic has changed how everything used to be done. Instead of going back to way things were, we have to learn to adopt to the new change.

Connect with Greensoul Organics
Eat Drink Cardinia Listing: Greensoul Organics
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