Add Your Business Listing
Are you running a food, wine or drink business in the Cardinia region? Add a FREE listing and gain exposure via the Eat Drink Cardinia website and social media platforms.
We’ll do a welcome post on Facebook and Instagram to promote your business. Keep us updated with your events, news and promotions. Contribute to our blog – share news, stories & recipes. Help us spread the word so collectively we can all grow together!
Our criteria for businesses to be listed:
- located within the Cardinia region, i.e. Cardinia Shire
- be food, wine or drink focused
- submitted by the business owner or agent
We reserve the right to decline businesses that don’t meet our criteria. Consideration will be made for businesses with strong B2B relationships in the Cardinia region. Please ensure you own the copyright or have permission from the copyright owner for all images. Business details will be checked, edited and approval may take up to two business days. Please complete the form below.
We look forward to receiving your submission.
The Eat Drink Cardinia team 🖤